The Third Screw: Screw the Cursing Taboo

I have been cursing since the 7th grade.  It is a past time and a practicing trade of mine. And cursing just makes sentences so much better!

Example: Cursing just makes sentences so much fucking better!
                        AAAHHH, doesn’t that sound, and don’t you just feel, so much fucking better?

However I must confess that in the 7th grade cursing was more of a taboo than it is in the professional, adult world.  So I drafted a contract for my friends, stating that whenever I cursed they must hit me.  It did not work so well.  And maybe they were just trying to protect themselves (hitting another student would not look too good on their straight A permanent record).

But then I got to high school, and I had a friend who sympathized.  He came up with the exploding F, where you use your bottom lip as a pop for the first letter of FUCK!
Like this:

And besides if South Park can get away with it for all these years then we should be able to too!  Because 60% of the time South Park just gets it right every time!
Like this:

But Above the Law said it best, “Now what's really known as a radio cut?
When you can's say (shit) and you can't say (fuck)!”
So enjoy your right to Freedom of (fucking) Speech:

Even Disney agrees! So at the end of the day, you just gotta say:

Or you can take this advice from Marky Mark:

Have I convinced you?


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