When on Introspective Holiday

when and where will I get the chance to think?


Here are the top 7 places/ activities in which to think best

*On the train or the bus or the toilet
*When washing the dishes — "I'm just sitting here watching the [suds] go round and round"
*Right before sleep
*While reading or watching TV or listening to music or daydreaming or eating or while walking or exercising in any way or even while having a conversation (make sure this last one does not happen too often — although if it is an epiphany it should be excused)
*During a shower or a dream
*In any mode of transportation (in a car/ train/ bus/or a plane, jogging/ running/ skipping/ swimming/ cartwheeling)
*And in any mode of artistic liberation (dancing/ doodling/ singing/ writing/ screaming/ jumping)

updates to ensue


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