The Recurring Room
*The only recurring dream I ever had was when I was in elementary school. The following story is that dream. But to me, it was always more like a nightmare. She pops up like those fuzzy clown figures in a carnival game. She is cardboard. There are several versions of her—just like in that carnival game. The hallway rises in hills, and dips down, each ditch five feet away from the last one. There are several versions of her—one standing at each mound of the hallway. One popping up at each mound of the hallway. I am on a date at a fancy French restaurant. He is across from me. We sit by the doors to the kitchen, which slams him in the back as each server pushes the swinging door, and the bathroom, which people walk through behind my back. I excuse myself because now I have to go to the bathroom, and he says he will order for me. I open the door that was behind me as I sat, and enter a long and narrow corridor. There are rooms on each side of the hall...