The Second Screw: The Taboo of Pooping
* Warning this post contains unfiltered material, so I may lose some of you. Some things may be funny, others scary, and some might make you turn your head and shake away your cries. But hey, I got a screw loose, right!? I never understood why pooping should be such a taboo. Why don’t we talk about it? There are some hilarious stories or circumstances that arise while sitting on the toilet. And as we all remember since childhood, everybody poops! Here is my proof: Maybe I’ll write my own book, The Poop Chronicles, like The Vagina Monologues . I will go around to people and ask them their poop stories, their shit tales. I have a play idea too, about the Poop Bandit—who makes public pooping something that happens in a public bathroom to something that happens on the front lawns of college universities. Here are a few more poop truths: *I once pooped out a sword *I once pooped out the Titanic; it split in ...